This is so Zed A and B don't fight and ignore players. Zed A gains hatred very slowly for Zed B. What this means is even if Zed A is a fleshpound and decides to rush the player, zed B will chase the fleshpound and keep attacking Zed A until Zed A dies or the player pulls hatred away from Zed A by getting too close to Zed B, or attacking Zed B.īut unlike Zed B, Zed A, while they started this fight unintentionally, has very little desire to attack Zed B. Now whats neat about this, is that Zed B will now have complete hatred for Zed A and gain more hatred for Zed A since they are now aggroed onto Zed A, unless a player deals damage to Zed B, or a player gets within melee range of Zed B, Zed B will attack Zed A until Zed A dies, or both Zed A and B are separated long enough for Zed B's hatred to drop to zero and aggro back onto the player. So if Zed A does an attack that hits Zed B, and there aren't any players nearby and Zed B hasn't been hurt by players recently, Zed B's hatred value for Zed A might go over their hatred value for the player, and thus Zed B will start attacking Zed A. Same with players, this 'damage' hatred is temporary. Zeds can also gain a 'hate' value for other zeds, but only if that zed deals damage to the other zed.

The closer the player is to the zed, the higher their hate value, and any damage the player does to the zed will further increase that zeds 'hate' value towards the player temporarily. Zeds have a 'haterd' value that tells them what to attack. Now how to explain how this works, we will use the term Zed A for the zed that caused the first issue of Friendly Fire, and Zed B as the one who decided to attack Zed A due to their FF. Even Fleshpounds and Scrakes can fight each other much like KF1, but its much much harder to do this time around. However it is possible for other zeds to attack each other depending on the zed.

I'm sure you've seen it, a bloat barfing on a zed, a husk setting a zed on fire, or that clot who got in the middle of all that fire and decided to attack his buddies over a few acid burns or third degree burns. Zeds can deal friendly fire damage to each other.